Starting as UI/UX Designer

Caesar Kurniawan
2 min readJan 3, 2019


Hello, I’m Caesar Rizky Kurniawan. I’m a freelance graphic designer, but now I learn so much about UI/UX design. I think, I want to have a specific value for my carreer. For many years, I known as multi disciplinary visual graphic designer and photographer, I designing logo, ads banner, book cover, company profile, etc.

One day, I read the article about UI/UX design. I think it’s very interesting to learn. But it make me confuse and asking myself :

How can I started to be an UI/UX designer?

So, that’s my step :

1. Start

You can start it everytime, I mean, If you wan to Start for learning something, just begin. I learn about UI/UX on medium, free online course, youtube,etc.

2. Finding reference/mentor

After so much get the input of this topic, you should find your reference. Firstly, I asked my friend who work in startup as a Front end engineer, I asking so much about the workflow of UI and UX. After that, he give me some recommendation to follow at behance and medium.

3. Steal Like an Artist

“Nothing is Original“ — Austin Kleon

So, look everything, copy everything and do it yourself. I look so many reference at behance and other media, and after that I tryng to doing my personal project.

4. Do yours

For me, learning is never enough. Learning is a part of life. So, thanks for everyone who write the articles, make the tutorial videos, and showing the process. After all, look my first personal project here.

